Monthly Archives: May 2015

All Things Change, Regardless

When the present ceases to be lived as a means to an end I will become a wake.

Reaching is what matters when there is something to reach

fish the main stream, something near to fringe,

the countless angles left open contracted into a familiar smell that lasted among dreams.

A rifting spell of shade.

The most solid forms come to find themselves unending edgeways.

The many special cravings that cease along the collapsing gap.

Where are all the forgotten?

Upon the very moment they wish to cease existence?

unified in victorious reaping? still wound up on chance?

From the phone I heard the voice tell me,

“I wanted you to fight so that all would be resolved, so that you could bend in spite.”

Still Kickin

There are a lot of things to see in this huge world and a lot of books to read. One book I am reading right now is called “The Freedom of Being at Ease” by Jan Frazier. This book was a gift to me from my dear sister Traci who has become a wonderful support for me in recent months especially as I have been feeling a little lost as to my exact purpose from day to day since I am currently no longer in school.

I’ve decided now is as good a time as any to read some books and do some studying on my own before I continue school, that way I can be sure to invest wisely in furthering my education. It goes without saying that what I have learned much from my  education up to this point and it has been priceless and unique.